MCKids Academy: Learning through Minecraft | What’s happening in Toronto

MCKids Academy: Learning through Minecraft

Lower Mainland
Vancouver , BC , V5Y 0B1
Contact name: 
Anna 'Momibelle' Belluz
Seasons / holidays: 
Ages for which our activities are most appropriate: 
Learning through Minecraft play since 2012. Global Minecraft Mentor Momibelle, Emibelle and the MCKids Admin team are here to help work and play alongside your child in a safe, secure and inspiring educational virtual environment, custom built for ongoing play! Subscribe monthly for online learning opportunities or join us over Holiday Breaks at Creekside Rec in False Creek.
Subscribe for weekly learning opportunities and access to our online community of learners! Momibelle leads your child in learning through play on our private, whitelisted servers. Sciences, Math, Geography & more! Special needs are welcome!