I Heart Drama

About Drama Classes:
At I Heart Drama we are all about having fun while learning drama skills, playing improv games, trying new ideas, working together, taking chances, making new friends! Our young actors will gain confidence and courage, think on their feet, dive into their imagination, and most importantly, have a lot of fun creating scenes and a variety of characters! They will learn how to memorize lines, become a character, use minimal props, set and costumes, rehearse and perform short one-act skits on the last day of drama class sessions or camps for parents and guardians to enjoy.
Why Drama?
Drama classes provide children with a foundation of key skills that will help them succeed in school and throughout life such as: taking risks, self-esteem, public speaking, confidence, self-expression, creative thinking, acting, leadership, and teamwork. Whether your child has an active interest in becoming an actor or they simpy want to make new friends and explore somthing new, drama classes are a perfect choice. When asked how drama classes were, and why they sign up again, some of the responses have been: "It was fun!", "I loved it!", "I can't wait for the next one!" Drama classes also pave the way for more empathetic, creative and outgoing children.
About the Instructor:
My name is Dina. My joy and passion for theatre arts comes through as both a teacher and an actor. I am an Ontario Certified Teacher. I have written and directed several school productions, taught drama for 16 years in Oakville and I am excited to now offer classes in Etobicoke. I have been an actor for over 20 years and have performed in many community theatre productions in Oakville, Milton, St. Catherines, Dundas and online for a Toronto production. My teaching philosophy is based on my favourite quote: "What we learn with pleasure, we never forget." (Alfred Mercier)